
Event Date Information PRO RC
New Member Orientation Sat, 2023/06/03 - 16:30 to 18:00
April Board Meeting Mon, 2024/04/08 - 18:30 to 21:20 Monthly meeting of the Board of Governors
Opening Workday Sat, 2024/05/11 - 08:00 to 13:25
May Board Meeting Mon, 2024/05/13 - 18:30 to 21:20 Monthly meeting of the Board of Governors
Launch Service begins Sat, 2024/05/18 - 09:00 to 20:00
Practice Event Wed, 2024/05/22 - 18:10 to 20:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results Steve Walkerman
Memorial Day Cruise Sat, 2024/05/25 - 08:30 to Mon, 2024/05/27 - 16:10 Check Cruising board and email for destination
Tea Kettle Sat, 2024/05/25 - 10:30 to 15:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results John Harris / Larry Robinson (apprentice)
Leopold Private Party Sun, 2024/05/26 - 09:00 to 12:00
Wednesday A1 Wed, 2024/05/29 - 18:10 to 20:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results Steve Walkerman / Larry Robinson (apprentice)
Double-Handed Sat, 2024/06/01 - 10:30 to 15:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results John Harris / Eric Schulz (apprentice)
Etchells 1 Mon, 2024/06/03 - 18:10 to 20:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results Bob Finn
Wednesday A2 Wed, 2024/06/05 - 18:10 to 20:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results James Unsworth
Dinghy 1 Thu, 2024/06/06 - 18:00 to 20:30 John Harris
Royal Savage (MBBC) Sat, 2024/06/08 - 10:30 to 16:30 MBBC Information & Results | LCCS
June Board Meeting Mon, 2024/06/10 - 18:30 to 19:55 Monthly meeting of the Board of Governors
Wednesday A3 Wed, 2024/06/12 - 18:10 to 20:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results Bob Schumacher
Dinghy 2 Thu, 2024/06/13 - 18:00 to 21:00 Tim McKegney
Private Party - Hawko/Irwin/Knight Grad Event (~35-40 people) Fri, 2024/06/14 - 17:30 to 21:00
Father's Day Cruise Sat, 2024/06/15 - 08:30 to Sun, 2024/06/16 - 15:55 Check Cruising board and email for destination
Odziozo Sat, 2024/06/15 - 10:30 to 15:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results | LCCS Larry Robinson
Junior Sailing Meet & Greet Sun, 2024/06/16 - 18:30 to 19:55 Meet the staff and learn about the program
Junior Sailing Begins Mon, 2024/06/17 - 00:00 to 23:55
Etchells 2 Mon, 2024/06/17 - 18:10 to 20:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results Mark Gardner (PRO/RC)
Pizza Night Wed, 2024/06/19 - 18:00 to 20:30 Pizza, salad, dessert
Wednesday A4 Wed, 2024/06/19 - 18:10 to 20:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results Chuck Bowen
Dinghy 3 Thu, 2024/06/20 - 18:00 to 21:00 Don Holly
Lady Skipper Sat, 2024/06/22 - 10:30 to 15:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results Bob Finn / Eric Schulz (apprentice)
Wednesday A5 Wed, 2024/06/26 - 18:10 to 20:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results Ernie Reuter
Dinghy 4 Thu, 2024/06/27 - 18:00 to 21:00 Fran Hardy
Cruiser Potluck 2 Fri, 2024/06/28 - 17:00 to 19:55
July Cruise (return for Fireworks and Rendezvous) Sat, 2024/06/29 - 08:00 to Sun, 2024/07/07 - 17:10
Etchells 3 Mon, 2024/07/01 - 18:10 to 20:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results Steve Walkerman
Dinghy 5 Thu, 2024/07/04 - 10:00 to 12:00 Fritz Horton
Mayor's Cup (Plattsburgh Rotary) Sat, 2024/07/06 - 10:00 to 15:55 Mayor's Cup Information & Results | LCCS
Valcour Race (Plattsburgh Rotary) Sun, 2024/07/07 - 10:00 to 16:00 Race Info | LCCS
July Board Meeting Mon, 2024/07/08 - 18:30 to 19:55 Monthly meeting of the Board of Governors
Private Party - Filkorn / Kerbaugh Grad Party (20 people) Tue, 2024/07/09 - 17:30 to 21:00
Wednesday B1 Wed, 2024/07/10 - 18:10 to 20:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results Bill Wight
Dinghy 6 Thu, 2024/07/11 - 18:00 to 21:00 Doug Merrill
Boat Tour and Food Truck Fri, 2024/07/12 - 17:30 to 19:55
Lake Champlain Race (MBBC) Fri, 2024/07/12 - 20:00 to 23:55 MBBC Information & Results | LCCS
Etchells 4 Mon, 2024/07/15 - 18:10 to 20:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results Ernie Reuter (PRO)
Parent/Child Sail-Along Tue, 2024/07/16 - 17:30 to 18:55 Junior sailors and their parents sailing together
Ye OIde Fashioned Burger Burn - postponed to 7/17 Wed, 2024/07/17 - 18:00 to 20:55
Wednesday B2 Wed, 2024/07/17 - 18:10 to 20:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results Doug Merrill
Private Party - Sail Beyond Cancer (20 people) Thu, 2024/07/18 - 15:45 to 21:00
Dinghy 7 Thu, 2024/07/18 - 18:00 to 21:00 Don Brush
Commodores' Potluck Fri, 2024/07/19 - 18:00 to 19:30 Hotdogs, hamburgers; bring a side or desert
Speakers Series - COAST takes on the Great Loop Fri, 2024/07/19 - 19:00 to 20:30
Tumbleweed Mid-Lake Race Sat, 2024/07/20 - 10:30 to 15:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results | LCCS Larry Robinson (Start) / TBD (Finish)
Wednesday B3 Wed, 2024/07/24 - 18:10 to 20:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results Bob Finn
Dinghy 8 Thu, 2024/07/25 - 18:00 to 21:00 Kevin Hawko
Etchells 5 Mon, 2024/07/29 - 18:10 to 20:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results Finn/Robinson
Parent-Child Sail Along Tue, 2024/07/30 - 17:30 to 18:55
New Docks presentation by StructurMarine Tue, 2024/07/30 - 17:30 to 19:00
Wednesday B4 Wed, 2024/07/31 - 18:10 to 20:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results Ernie Reuter
Dinghy 9 Thu, 2024/08/01 - 18:00 to 21:00 Ben & Calvin Knight
Ladies Cup Sat, 2024/08/03 - 11:00 to 15:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results | LCCS TBD
Ladies Cup Awards Sat, 2024/08/03 - 16:00 to 17:55 Ladies Cup Awards
Perseid Meteor Cruise Week Sun, 2024/08/04 - 00:00 to Sun, 2024/08/11 - 23:55 Check Cruising board and email for destination
Wednesday C1 Wed, 2024/08/07 - 18:10 to 20:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results Larry Robinson
Dinghy 10 Thu, 2024/08/08 - 18:00 to 21:00 Bill Fraser-Harris
Junior Sailing Ends Fri, 2024/08/09 - 00:00 to 23:55
Diamond Island Regatta (DIYC) Sat, 2024/08/10 - 11:00 to 15:55 DIYC Information & Results | LCCS
Split Rock Race (DIYC) Sun, 2024/08/11 - 09:30 to 16:00 DIYC Information & Results
Family Day Sun, 2024/08/11 - 13:00 to 16:00 A social event for the whole family at LCYC
Etchells 6 Mon, 2024/08/12 - 17:40 to 20:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results Steve Walkerman
New Docks presentation by StructurMarine Tue, 2024/08/13 - 17:30 to 19:00
August Board Meeting Tue, 2024/08/13 - 18:30 to 19:55 Monthly meeting of the Board of Governors
Wednesday C2 Wed, 2024/08/14 - 18:10 to 20:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results Wendy Friant
Burger Burn Wed, 2024/08/14 - 18:15 to 21:00
Dinghy 11 Thu, 2024/08/15 - 18:00 to 21:00 Jeff Rogers
Wednesday C3 Wed, 2024/08/21 - 18:10 to 20:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results Bill Wight
Dinghy 12 Thu, 2024/08/22 - 17:30 to 21:00 Tom Porter
Corn Roast Fri, 2024/08/23 - 18:00 to 19:30
Speakers Series - Berit Solstad: 'Memorable Encounters - Alaska and Antarctica’ Fri, 2024/08/23 - 19:30 to 21:00
Schuyler Island Sat, 2024/08/24 - 10:30 to 15:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results Larry Robinson
Etchells 7 Sun, 2024/08/25 - 10:00 to 15:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results Bob Finn
Docks Info Session #3 Tue, 2024/08/27 - 17:30 to 19:00
Wednesday C4 Wed, 2024/08/28 - 18:10 to 20:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results Doug Viehmann
Dinghy 13 Thu, 2024/08/29 - 17:30 to 21:00 Will Nye
Cruiser Pot Luck 3 Fri, 2024/08/30 - 17:00 to 20:00
Wednesday D1 Wed, 2024/09/04 - 17:25 to 20:30 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results Larry Robinson
Oktoberfest Wed, 2024/09/04 - 18:00 to 20:55 Sausages, sauerkraut, potato salad, black forest cake
Dinghy 14 Thu, 2024/09/05 - 17:30 to 19:30 Bob Finn / Don Holly
Private Party -- Caldwell Fri, 2024/09/06 - 16:00 to 19:00
2024 Lake Champlain Etchells Regatta Sat, 2024/09/07 - 10:00 to Sun, 2024/09/08 - 16:55 Registration | NoR |SI's Bob Schumacher
Shell Rieley - Celebration of Life Sat, 2024/09/07 - 11:00 to 13:00
September Board Meeting Mon, 2024/09/09 - 18:30 to 19:55 Monthly meeting of the Board of Governors
Private Party - LeStrange / Kerbaugh Picnic (20) Tue, 2024/09/10 - 17:30 to 21:00
Wednesday D2 Wed, 2024/09/11 - 17:25 to 20:30 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results John O'Rourke
Cruiser Pot Luck 4 Fri, 2024/09/13 - 17:00 to 20:00
Macdonough Breakfast Sat, 2024/09/14 - 08:00 to 09:30
Commodore Macdonough Sat, 2024/09/14 - 10:30 to 15:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results | LCCS Start-Scott Fewell / Finish-Doug Friant
Wednesday D3 Wed, 2024/09/18 - 17:25 to 20:30 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results Bill Wight
Hot-Ruddered Bum Sat, 2024/09/21 - 10:30 to 15:55 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results Scott Fewell
Wednesday D4 Wed, 2024/09/25 - 17:25 to 20:30 Documents | Divisions | Registration | Results Wendy Friant
Autumn Cocktail Party Sat, 2024/10/05 - 16:30 to 18:00


Final Docks Proposal Presentation Sat, 2024/10/05 - 18:15 to 19:15


Launch Service Ends Sun, 2024/10/13 - 09:00 to 18:00
October Board Meeting Mon, 2024/10/14 - 18:30 to 19:55 Monthly meeting of the Board of Governors
Closing Work Day Sat, 2024/10/19 - 08:00 to 12:00
Fall Annual Membership meeting Sat, 2024/10/19 - 11:30 to 13:00
Racing Awards Event Sat, 2024/11/02 - 17:30 to 21:00
November Board Meeting Mon, 2024/11/11 - 18:30 to 19:55 Monthly meeting of the Board of Governors
December Board Meeting Mon, 2024/12/09 - 18:30 to 20:30 Monthly meeting of the Board of Governors
Opening Cocktail Party Sat, 2025/06/07 - 18:00 to 20:55

LCYC is a member-run yacht club located in a sheltered cove on the southwest shore of Shelburne Bay in Shelburne, Vermont, USA. We offer moorings, activities, and community for our members, most of whom own a sailboat or powerboat. The object of the Club is to promote and encourage boating and sailing on Lake Champlain, while emphasizing racing, cruising, and education, without financial gain. Click here if you are interested in joining LCYC!

About | Binnacle | Directions | History


Lake Champlain offers some of the best freshwater cruising in North America. The beautiful scenery and charming lakeside destinations make it a great place to explore. LCYC organizes several rendezvous events. Spontaneous cruising events also materialize throughout the season. We have a number of scheduled events planned for the summer season. Cruisers are out and about just about every weekday and weekend throughout the summer.

Cruising | Events | Destinations | Safety

Lake Champlain Yacht Club has an active junior sailing program, open to all children ages 8-17. We use Optimist prams and Flying Junior dinghies for instruction and racing. Full and half-day sessions are offered for all ability levels over an eight week period each summer. All of our Instructors are US Sailing certified and have extensive experience.

Registration | Schedule | Curriculum | Boat Use