Racing divisions are designed to group similar boats into classes of roughly the same quantity, balancing Wednesday and weekend participation. Start sequences are optimized for efficient Wednesday racing, and clear wind on weekends.
The list of Current Registrants is sorted by class and you can see where your boat fits. Please see the Racing Documents for Notices of Race and Sailing Instructions.
Here are the current class splits and starting sequences:
Wednesday Night Classes
- Etchells
- Jib and Main
- Spinnaker A (PHRF < 093)
- Spinnaker B (PHRF 093 - 126)
- Spinnaker C (PHRF > 126)
Wednesday Night Starting Sequence
1. Etchells (Etchells Flag)
2. Jib and Main + Spinnaker C (Yellow Flag)
3. Spinnaker A + Spinnaker B (Purple Flag)
Weekend Classes
- Jib and Main
- Spinnaker A (PHRF < 093)
- Spinnaker B (PHRF 093 - 126)
- Spinnaker C (PHRF > 126)
Weekend Starting Sequence
1. Spinnaker (Purple Flag)
2. Jib and Main (Yellow Flag)
Ladies Cup Classes
- Etchells
- Jib and Main A (PHRF < 159)
- Jib and Main B (PHRF ≥ 159)
- Spinnaker A (PHRF < 093)
- Spinnaker B (PHRF 093 - 126)
- Spinnaker C (PHRF > 126)
- Sportboat (J/70, Melges 20, Melges 24, Viper 640, VX One)
Ladies Cup Starting Sequence
1. Spinnaker (Purple Flag)
2. Jib and Main (Yellow Flag)
Lake Champlain Championship Series
- Jib and Main A (PHRF < 159)
- Jib and Main B (PHRF ≥ 159)
- Spinnaker A (PHRF < 093)
- Spinnaker B (PHRF 093 - 126)
- Spinnaker C (PHRF > 126)