• Club
  • Cruising
  • Photo of Talisman
  • Viper 640 Regatta

RC Signups are live on the LCYC website at https://lcyc.info.

You will need to login. Then go to the sidebar on the home page and click on the event for which you would like to volunteer. At the bottom of the page for the event just click on the “Sign up” button to sign up.

All active racers are required to do RC a minimum of once every 2 years (preferably every year).

LCYC sponsors Singlehanded Dinghy (Laser and RS Aero) racing on Thursday nights from early June through early September. To encourage more sailors to participate in our racing LCYC is allowing a limited number of non members, for a nominal fee, to keep their boats at LCYC for the racing season. Participants are not club members, but will be permitted to keep a boat (on a dolly) at the club and access the club, as a guest, subject to the rules of the club and this program, as detailed below. To be clear, participation in this program is predicated on regular participation in the Thursday race series.

Program Application

Lake Champlain Community Sailing Center is hosting a 3 event Speaker Series this Spring, including a talk on April 3rd by LCYC's own, and always entertaining, Will Nye on the latest round of his participation in the Everglades Challenge (Will gave a similar talk at LCYC a few years back).

Details at: https://communitysailingcenter.org/springspeakerseries/

The first two shipments of docks are here!

It has been a very busy time since the approval of new docks at the Annual Meeting. There have been a couple of dock teams working on final plans, logistics and finances. After a lot of consternation and option assessment we determined the best plan was to have the docks shipped to Safe Harbor Shelburne Shipyard where they will be unloaded, stored and launched. We will then float them to the Club in early April for installation (get ready dock team!). This has been a lot of work and coordination, and we have been very lucky working with the StructurMarine (SM) team, Andrew, at the Shipyard, Pierre, and some key club members.

For the complete story, including pictures, click on the button below:

Do you know of a young person who might love to learn to sail? The LCYC Junior Sailing Program is just the place to begin or to hone your skills! Please refer to https://lcyc.info/junior-sailing for much more information and to register.

The program runs for 8 weeks from June 16th to August 8th, and offers half and full day opportunities. It is a safe and enjoyable learning environment designed for every level of sailor - beginners to advanced racers who are 8 to 17 years of age.

Please feel free to contact Joe Rosen, Jr Sailing Director, at jrsailing.lcyc@gmail.com or 802-451-9825.



LCYC is a member-run yacht club located in a sheltered cove on the southwest shore of Shelburne Bay in Shelburne, Vermont, USA. We offer moorings, activities, and community for our members, most of whom own a sailboat or powerboat. The object of the Club is to promote and encourage boating and sailing on Lake Champlain, while emphasizing racing, cruising, and education, without financial gain. Click here if you are interested in joining LCYC!

About | Binnacle | Directions | History


Lake Champlain offers some of the best freshwater cruising in North America. The beautiful scenery and charming lakeside destinations make it a great place to explore. LCYC organizes several rendezvous events. Spontaneous cruising events also materialize throughout the season. We have a number of scheduled events planned for the summer season. Cruisers are out and about just about every weekday and weekend throughout the summer.

Cruising | Events | Destinations | Safety

Is your Junior Sailor ready to set sail?

Welcome to the LCYC Junior Sailing Program, where we ignite a lifelong passion for sailing in young adventurers. Our program offers a safe and enjoyable learning environment tailored to sailors of all levels—from beginners to advanced racers.

Registration | Schedule | Curriculum | Boat Use