• Club
  • Cruising
  • Photo of Talisman
  • Viper 640 Regatta

Thanks to our unofficial club photographer Gerry Davis for some awesome shots of Wednesday's action. There is at least one great shot of almost every boat in the fleet. They are organized by fleet (Etchells, Spin C + JaM, Spin A/B). Look for yours !!!

Pics at:

If you want prints, larger files, or images without a watermark on them contact Gerry.

Start the summer off right by reading our June 2023 Binnacle.

By Dale Hyerstay for the LCCS Steering Committee

Key Changes
— The 2023 Series will be comprised of 10 races
— The Valcour Race is back on the schedule in its historic position the day after The Mayors Cup with Plattsburgh Sunshine Rotary, the
sponsor of the Mayors Cup, providing the legal and race management backing.
— The Omnium Race is likely gone forever.

Click on the title for more details

Read the first Binnacle of the season here: https://lcyc.info/files/April%202023%20Binnacle.pdf

The 2023 LCYC racing season will soon be upon us and we have about 50 races to run. Volunteers are needed to run most of these events.

Login to your lcyc.info account and go to the RC signups sidebar to the right to sign up for an event

* All racing boats are expected to provide Race Committee at least once every 2 years...preferably every year
* All members are welcome to volunteer. Serving on the RC is a great way to meet your annual volunteer obligation
* RC volunteers are expected to bring at least 2-3 people, including themselves, depending the event

Note: RC signups are not carried over from last year.

We are always looking for folks to join our dedicated team of PRO's. Racers, former racers and non-racers (both members and non-members) are welcome. Training will be provided. To learn more contact crew_match@lcyc.info.



LCYC is a member-run yacht club located in a sheltered cove on the southwest shore of Shelburne Bay in Shelburne, Vermont, USA. We offer moorings, activities, and community for our members, most of whom own a sailboat or powerboat. The object of the Club is to promote and encourage boating and sailing on Lake Champlain, while emphasizing racing, cruising, and education, without financial gain. Click here if you are interested in joining LCYC!

About | Binnacle | Directions | History


Lake Champlain offers some of the best freshwater cruising in North America. The beautiful scenery and charming lakeside destinations make it a great place to explore. LCYC organizes several rendezvous events. Spontaneous cruising events also materialize throughout the season. We have a number of scheduled events planned for the summer season. Cruisers are out and about just about every weekday and weekend throughout the summer.

Cruising | Events | Destinations | Safety

Is your Junior Sailor ready to set sail?

Welcome to the LCYC Junior Sailing Program, where we ignite a lifelong passion for sailing in young adventurers. Our program offers a safe and enjoyable learning environment tailored to sailors of all levels—from beginners to advanced racers.

Registration | Schedule | Curriculum | Boat Use