• Club
  • Cruising
  • Photo of Talisman
  • Viper 640 Regatta

At the January Board of Governors (BOG) meeting held on January 10, the 'official' 2023 Change of Watch took place.

Newly installed were:
· Commodore Jill Gagne (2-Year term)
· BOG members Gene Cloutier and Jill Burley (3-year terms)
· James Kurfis, 3-year volunteer (Grounds Chair)

Past Commodore, Walt Marti - gave special thanks to the following outgoing BOG/Volunteers:
· Bill Kallock, 3-year BOG – Junior Sailing Chair
· Michael Kerbaugh, 5-year BOG – Docks Chair
· Gunnar Sievert, 3-year BOG – Cruising Chair
· Wes Daum - 3-year volunteer - Grounds Chair
· Jean Sievert – 1-year volunteer – Social Chair

The Membership, at an upcoming social function this spring, will have an opportunity to recognize these individuals for their service.

To see the 2023 Board of Governors CLICK HERE

All hands on deck! We are still looking for stewards for the 2023 season. We will meet the bare minimum from June through most of August, but are currently short during September. Please pass along my contact information to anyone who might be interested, willing to get licensed and has the necessary experience.

Regular / Senior Steward We need one more individual who might be a local college student having a flexible schedule in September, or a retired mariner who could work primarily during September but could also fill-in during the summer. The total number of hours could be in the range of 150 to 300, depending on availability.

Steward-in-Training There is still one more opening for a 16- or 17- year old who is committed to becoming a regular steward in future summers, but lacks the required number of sea days for the US Coast Guard license.

If interested, please contact:

John Stetson, lcycstewardschair@gmail.com, 802-343-5233

Events is a powerful way to look at the LCYC calendar, particularly if you are interested in events of a certain type such as Social, BOG meetings or Racing or Cruising events. Click on Events on the top menu bar and then click on various filters (e.g. Social, Racing, Cruising, Wednesday, E Series, etc.) to display those specific events. If you want to confirm your RC signup, this is where you can see all the PRO and RC assignments.

Read about the end of our 2021 season in this month's Binnacle

Read about the exciting 2021 Macdonough race from the perspectives of the sailors who lived it!




LCYC is a member-run yacht club located in a sheltered cove on the southwest shore of Shelburne Bay in Shelburne, Vermont, USA. We offer moorings, activities, and community for our members, most of whom own a sailboat or powerboat. The object of the Club is to promote and encourage boating and sailing on Lake Champlain, while emphasizing racing, cruising, and education, without financial gain. Click here if you are interested in joining LCYC!

About | Binnacle | Directions | History


Lake Champlain offers some of the best freshwater cruising in North America. The beautiful scenery and charming lakeside destinations make it a great place to explore. LCYC organizes several rendezvous events. Spontaneous cruising events also materialize throughout the season. We have a number of scheduled events planned for the summer season. Cruisers are out and about just about every weekday and weekend throughout the summer.

Cruising | Events | Destinations | Safety

Is your Junior Sailor ready to set sail?

Welcome to the LCYC Junior Sailing Program, where we ignite a lifelong passion for sailing in young adventurers. Our program offers a safe and enjoyable learning environment tailored to sailors of all levels—from beginners to advanced racers.

Registration | Schedule | Curriculum | Boat Use