Etchells Have Another Light-Wind Day
If the wind velocity could have equaled the number of Etchells that showed up for E3, we would have had a great day. With 7 boats on the line, winds in the first race got up to around 5 knots, allowing a double-windward leeward race. Mischief was first at the weather mark, following immediately by Pied Piper. At the leeward mark, Pied Piper rounded just ahead of 1300, with Mischief right behind, and continued its lead to finish first, followed by 1300.
In the second race, winds started out with a similar velocity, with Pied Piper leading at the first mark. By the leeward mark, the wind shifted significantly, and Rascal and 1300 closed the gap, with 1300 first at the leeward mark, followed by Pied Piper and Rascal. Then the wind shut off. Sailing (or trying to) in glassy conditions in a course shorted to make the next weather leg the final leg of the race, 1300 and Rascal took a hard left and ended up finishing first and second, respectively, while Pied Piper went right and dropped off the radar screen completely. Not Choc finished third.
Thanks to Bob Goodwin and his crew for running the races!