Lake Champlain offers some of the best freshwater cruising in North America with beautiful scenery and charming lakeside destinations to explore. LCYC boats are out and about all summer.
The Cruising Committee organizes social and boating events for all LCYC members to enjoy, such as an afternoon outing, a multi-day journey, or a friendly potluck supper at LCYC. Not a "cruiser?" Not a problem! All members are welcome at all cruising events, just bring your love of boating on the lake (and beyond!). Enjoy being part of an LCYC fleet heading together toward a favorite anchorage. Cruising also means having a good time sharing stories of boating adventures, and trading tips on things like anchoring, provisioning, or electronics.
See the Events page and the Calendar for this season's activities. Contact the Cruising Chair to be added to the cruisers Listserve for updates and destinations - which often change with the weather! Check out the "Cruising Board" located across from the Steward's Office to see where members are headed, for a DIY cruise. Cruisers typically monitor CH72 when out on the lake.