Notice of Annual Meeting and Proposed Bylaw change
The Annual Meeting of the membership of the Lake Champlain Yacht Club will be held upon completion of Fall Workday chores (approximately 11:15 a.m.) on Saturday, October 18, 2014, at the Clubhouse, 2790 Harbor Road, Shelburne, Vermont.
1. Commodore’s Report
2. Elections
a. Nominated to serve the remaining one year of a three year term on the Board of Governors commencing with Change of Watch in 2015:
i. Bob Schumacher
b. Each nominated to serve on the Board of Governors for a term of three years commencing with Change of Watch in 2015:
i. Jean Sievert
ii. Scott Bowen
iii. Gerry Davis
iv. Marc Gamble
c. Nominated to serve a three-year term as Treasurer commencing with Change of Watch in 2015:
i. Jean Seivert
d. Nominated to serve as Auditor for a term of three years commencing with Change of Watch in 2015:
i. Randy Rowland
e. Nominated to serve as Auditor for a term of one year commencing with Change of Watch in 2015:
i. Bob Finn
3. Proposed Change to Bylaws (See memorandum of explanation below).
4. Other Business
5. Adjourn
MEMORANDUM To: All Members of the Lake Champlain Yacht Club, Inc
From: The Board of Governors
Date: October 1, 2014
Re: Proposed Amendments to LCYC Bylaws
The LCYC Board of Governors (the Board), along with the LCYC Finance Committee are recommending a change to our club bylaws which will eliminate the requirement for the chair of the Finance Committee to be an active member of the LCYC board. The Finance Committee is a group of LCYC members who advise the current Board on the long term financial health of the club. The Finance Committee members are appointed by the Board and include Board members, former Board members, and club members that have not served on the Board but have taken a special interest in the financial health of the club.
Our current bylaws require that all standing committee chairs be members of the Board. Since the Finance Committee is not operating on the standard monthly meeting cycle of the board, and is concerning itself with longer term trends and analysis, it may be advisable to allow the appointment of a chairperson that is not currently a board member.
Specifically, we recommend changing Article III Section 4 FROM:
“Committees. The Board of Governors shall establish a standing Finance Committee, and may establish the following standing committees and others deemed necessary:
a)House g) Junior Sailing Programs
b) Grounds h) Membership
c)Harbor i) Communications
d)Docks j) Boats
e)Regatta k) Stewards
f) Social l) Cruising/Boating Programs
The Board of Governors shall consent by majority vote on the appointment of all standing committee chairmen by the Commodore. All standing committee chairs shall be member of the board. The duties and responsibilities of the standing committee chairs shall be as directed by the Board of Governors.”
“Committees. The Board of Governors shall establish a standing Finance Committee which includes the current Commodore, and may establish the following standing committees and others deemed necessary:
a)House g) Junior Sailing Programs
b) Grounds h) Membership
c)Harbor i) Communications
d)Docks j) Boats
e)Regatta k) Stewards
f) Social l) Cruising/Boating Programs
The Board of Governors shall consent by majority vote on the appointment of all standing committee chairmen by the Commodore. All standing committee chairs, with the possible exception of the Finance Committee, shall be members of the Board. The duties and responsibilities of the standing committee chairs shall be as directed by the Board of Governors.”