By Dale Hyerstay for the LCCS Steering Committee
Key Changes
— The 2023 Series will be comprised of 10 races
— The Valcour Race is back on the schedule in its historic position the day after The Mayors Cup with Plattsburgh Sunshine Rotary, the
sponsor of the Mayors Cup, providing the legal and race management backing.
— The Omnium Race is likely gone forever.
From the beginning of the LCCS the scoring format for this series has been four designated
day races, one from each club, and two overnight races. But now, with eight day-races to
choose from, one of which, the Mid-Lake, is now a hybrid - not a day race and not an
overnight race - limiting to those four races is now deemed un-necessarily restrictive.
— The scoring format for the ‘Spinnaker Championship Series’ (Griswold Cannon
Series) has changed. Henceforth a boat’s score will be its best six races of the ten, at least
one of which must be an overnight.
— The scoring for the Individual Class Championship Series did not change.
— For the Thouron Series a boat’s score will be its best eight races of the ten, at least one of
which must be an overnight.
— The logic of the tie-break rules for each series were given brain-heating reviews and revised
as deemed sensible.
For more details go to https://www.lcchampionshipseries.org