Race Committee Sign up
RC Signups are live on the LCYC website at https://lcyc.info.
You will need to login. Then go to the sidebar on the home page and click on the event for which you would like to volunteer. At the bottom of the page for the event just click on the “Sign up” button to sign up.
All active racers are required to do RC a minimum of once every 2 years (preferably every year).
Key Points:
- On May 1 any racers with an obligation for 2025 who have not signed up will be assigned an event.
- RC is open to any and all club members. No Racing or RC experience is required. Doing RC is a great, fun way to help fulfill your annual volunteer commitment.
- For Wednesday night events your commitment is to bring a minimum of 3 people, including yourself.
- For Weekend and E Series events your commitment is to bring a minimum of 2 people, including yourself.
-If you are interested in helping with RC, but only as an individual participant, email crew_match@lcyc.info indicating for which race(s) you would like to volunteer.
Reminder: once the racing season starts, if you can no longer do an event for which you signed up the onus is on you to find someone to take your slot!!
If you are interested in doing RC for one of our Thursday Dinghy events, please contact John Harris for more details. For these races you will be in charge (there is no PRO) and will need some limited training in how to operate the MarkSetBots and run the races. We’ve had numerous newbies do this successfully and have a great time in the process so don’t be afraid to give it a try.